The year is 1999 & Shannon has a secret. Shannon Molloy is a year 9 student at an all-boys rugby-mad Catholic school in regional Queensland, with a secret that no one can ever find out. Shannon is gay

Based on the best-selling memoir by award-winning journalist Shannon Molloy, Fourteen is the inspirational true story of growing up gay in central Queensland, transformed into a powerful must-see theatre production by nationally acclaimed shake & stir theatre co.

Set to a nostalgic mixtape of 90s bangers from all your faves, from Shania Twain to The Spice Girls, Fourteen addresses the trials and tribulations of growing up with honesty, humour, and heart. Equal parts uplifting and heart wrenching, we follow Shannon in a year of self-discovery set amidst a backdrop of torment, bullying and betrayal – not just at the hands of his peers, but by the adults who were meant to protect him.

This moving coming-of-age memoir about adversity and tragedy is also a story of resilience, hope and hilarity – thanks to the love of a group of close-knit friends, a fiercely protective family, an extraordinary mother and... S Club 7.

So press play on your discman, lose yourself in a pumping 90s pop remix and take a technicoloured trip back to your teens. This is Fourteen.

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Two performances 11am & 7:30pm

Brolga Theatre and shake & stir theatre co present



Adapted by shake & stir with Shannon Molloy


★★★★ “The perfect night at the theatre.” Broadway World

“Funny, sad and true, this is a play that will foster conversation, and save lives.” The Australian

“A must-see.” Q News
#shaketouring @shakeandstir

This project is supported by the Queensland Government through Arts Queensland.
Originally co-produced with QPAC and Brisbane Festival.

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Recommended for audiences 14+

This play contains strong coarse language, mature themes, simulated violence, and depictions of sexual abuse.
It also contains strobe lighting, theatrical smoke effects, and the use of herbal cigarettes.

We understand the themes may be triggering for some people.

If you have any concerns about the content of the play, we encourage you to contact the Box Office.

If you or someone you know needs information or support, these organisations are there to help:

  • Beyond Blue 1300 22 4636
  • Q Life 1800 184 527
  • Lifeline 13 11 14

  • Terms and conditions of sale have recently changed, please familiarise yourself with these terms and conditions, available on our website, prior to purchasing your tickets.
  • For patrons with mobility difficulties and Companion Card holders please call our Box Office on 07 4122 6060 Monday to Friday 8:30am - 4:00pm to enquire or make your booking.




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